Look to the top see the bee tucked inside the bud?
Busy days in these urban wild gardens.
Grateful this false indian mallow is blooming with its' soft velvet leaves. The bees and butterflies rely on this one.
Every year there are usually large patches of turks cap blooming in abundance throughout this space. I look forward to this every year as summer begins to shift to fall.
Something came through and wiped them out in the past two weeks. They were already blooming abundance. Even though I know they will return perhaps even in this growing season, I miss them.
The hummingbirds rely on the turks cap buds for nectar. They come through multiple times in the day adding to the busy fall flow in the gardens.
The flowers are fun to nibble and their fruit is delish and the young leaves good for digestion.
This year these abundant bushes are quieter than usual . . . for now.
Blooms are waking up all over this tiny woodland.
There is plenty happening. Stay tuned
* * * *
What are you doing Saturday afternoon?
Be and Harmonize with your Heart and Soul
Nourish and Strengthen
Your Light
Create Positive Choices for Your Life
There are a three spaces for this regenerating experience
Align with the Positive energies of the New Moon
Healing Meditation
two classes : : October 1 & 8
Learn More & Register HERE
* * * *
Flower Essence Support : :
Discover their healing support through Relationship
Easing with unsettling changes . Protection from outside influences
- Walnut
When life is intense and unknown . Interest in forward movement
- Wild Rose
Let go let God . Movement with the Flow of Life
- Golden Amaranth
* * * *
Calling for support and balance in your body, mind, heart & Life?
Hold your thumbs. Either one or Both one at a time.
For as long as you like.
Really, Give it Go !
Breathe & Be
New Moon Blessings to You !
May Spirit & Nature Guide & Support Your Heart
Have a question? You can reach me HERE
Know someone who could benefit from SiriSage holistic integration ?
Your referrals are the best compliment. Thank you!
Refer a friend to receive SiriSage Nature Notes Here
Busy days in these urban wild gardens.
Grateful this false indian mallow is blooming with its' soft velvet leaves. The bees and butterflies rely on this one.
Every year there are usually large patches of turks cap blooming in abundance throughout this space. I look forward to this every year as summer begins to shift to fall.
Something came through and wiped them out in the past two weeks. They were already blooming abundance. Even though I know they will return perhaps even in this growing season, I miss them.
The hummingbirds rely on the turks cap buds for nectar. They come through multiple times in the day adding to the busy fall flow in the gardens.
The flowers are fun to nibble and their fruit is delish and the young leaves good for digestion.
This year these abundant bushes are quieter than usual . . . for now.
Blooms are waking up all over this tiny woodland.
There is plenty happening. Stay tuned
* * * *
What are you doing Saturday afternoon?
Be and Harmonize with your Heart and Soul
Nourish and Strengthen
Your Light
Create Positive Choices for Your Life
There are a three spaces for this regenerating experience
Align with the Positive energies of the New Moon
Healing Meditation
two classes : : October 1 & 8
Learn More & Register HERE
* * * *
Flower Essence Support : :
Discover their healing support through Relationship
Easing with unsettling changes . Protection from outside influences
- Walnut
When life is intense and unknown . Interest in forward movement
- Wild Rose
Let go let God . Movement with the Flow of Life
- Golden Amaranth
* * * *
Calling for support and balance in your body, mind, heart & Life?
Hold your thumbs. Either one or Both one at a time.
For as long as you like.
Really, Give it Go !
Breathe & Be
New Moon Blessings to You !
May Spirit & Nature Guide & Support Your Heart
Have a question? You can reach me HERE
Know someone who could benefit from SiriSage holistic integration ?
Your referrals are the best compliment. Thank you!
Refer a friend to receive SiriSage Nature Notes Here